Day 6 Mon (5/27) – Not much to report – conditions still pretty much the same as Day 4 – winds strong and from the north. The map shows the weather forecast (from Sunday). The wind barbs (the things that look like an “F”) indicate the direction and strength which is reflected in the colors. We are currently in the “orange” area which means winds from WNW to North in the 20 Knt range which is exactly what we saw….
Given that we were trying to sail pretty much “due East”, we were sailing with the wind on the beam, aka “beam reach”.
With less wind, this would be a fairly pleasant ride, but with 20+ Knts, and the concurrent waves, it’s anything but comfortable.
It’s very sporty using the forward head – a toilet can easily become a bidet if the bowl gets too full! We have all perfected many forms of the 3 pt. stance (2 feet and a butt, 2 feet and a hip, 2 ft and a forehead… you get the picture).
We were however “flying”! (video from transom upon arrival). At 4:00 pm, the Fleet Tracker showed us 5 miles behind the leader (White Night) and we were below 1000 NM around 8:30 pm! Woohoo! That means “Halfway Horta Brownies” tomorrow!!